Some of our current projects include the following:
This is our largest undertaking! In our 120+ year history, we’ve never had a truly comprehensive catalogue of all of our artifacts. This project includes recording information, cleaning as needed, photographing, scanning, and storing each item. There is some data entry work involved as well.
Included in this endeavor is cataloging our portrait collection as well. It’s a painstaking project, but will be beneficial for generations to come when completed.
To view the current catalogue, please see our PastPerfect online database.
In 1986 we published our first cookbook using recipes that our members submitted that were passed down from their ancestors. We decided to revive this idea and publish another cookbook featuring “new” family recipes from our members and the general public. You can also submit your recipes here.
If you’re interested in volunteering for any of these projects, check out our current volunteer opportunities.